One among many other things Joel shared was
- As Joel does, I use as my Library Landing Page... a one stop clearinghouse for access to the suite of digital spaces I use for communications purposes.
- Sidebar: recently revamped their styling, and clearly Joel has spent more time re-working his site than I have. It's on my to do list - sometime when I have a spare moment.
You can find my Library Landing page here:
- Presently, the "Visit My Website" button links to The ESA Library Daily Blog
- From The ESA Library Daily Blog... check out Academic and Professional Resources (under "Pages" in the right hand sidebar
Some notes...
- You'll see that I host a number of platforms... originally the idea was to provide samples of how to use a variety of Web 2.0 tools.
- Some of these date back to very early days on the web (i.e. PB Works) and I have not bothered to migrate the content to a more current platform - no time in my day to do that, so I just let them sit there static.
- The reality is that there are now so many tools it's impossible to even consider modelling very many... which is partly why I started sending out the App of the Week and collecting them on a single webpage titled Cool Apps
- Now I link everything through The ESA Library Daily Blog... this is where I'm consolidating access (although you'll note that even there I have some blank pages... there are only so many hours in a day!)
- I do still own my own domain name and maintain it at Library and Learning Resources. This is the continuation of something I started as a blog in my classroom when I was only working part-time when my son was younger.
Feel free to borrow anything you like from anywhere among these pages...